I'm sitting here typing my blog out on my laptop. Kind of makes me feel like Carrie Bradshaw! :) Although she had New York reading her article, and I have like 1 maybe 2 readers...Okay my last post was about my summer list and that was quite a while ago. Since then I have started my scrapbook, found a place that I will be moving to July 23, and got accepted to Texas A&M! I'm super excited I cannot wait to start(I cannot believe that I am actually saying that) so I can feel useful again! Finding a job seems quite impossible! So my blog background is under construction O.o. HTML is HARD to figure out, so hopefully with the help of Fallon I can get it to look better. I have been reading blogs and hopefully finding some inspiration on what to do with my blog, I am super new at blogging and I don't know how interesting I really am(which is probably not very) I have read some pretty interesting blogs, and none that are like mine. After all I am just an average girl trying to make it in a big city... *sigh*  So let me ask you this... What would Carrie Bradshaw do?

Until next time! Have a great Week...


Summer Fun!

It's almost been a week since I wrote in my blog... at least I am getting better! So its been 3 years since I have taken a summer break from school, and this year I have decided to do so! :) I am super excited! Also I have started a list of things that I've been wanting to do for years but have never done and I am putting my foot down and doing them and also some stuff that I just want to do! haha... The list isn't too long but it is growing everyday! So I will share with you what I have so far....

Summer 2010~

1) Start a scrapbook! I love making each page different and with its own characteristic! I LOOOOVE scrapbooking!!!!(didn't make the pic just found it online hehe)

2) although snail mail is pretty much obsolete (for most people)  I have always wanted a pen pal! So hopefully I can find one! =) 

3) Move into a bigger house/townhouse/apartment than the one I am living in now!!!!
  4) Finish reading L.A. Candy and its sequel 

5) Watch all of Sex and the City AGAIN!!!

6) Go on vacation with Kyle! <3... we did it last year but it should happen again hehe

7) Buy a cookbook and cook with Fallon!!!! <3

8) Find a Job! Although I've been looking forever! hehe

I also found this one which was cute!!! 

9) Take lots of good pictures all year and share them with y'all!!!!(although I don't have many blog friends.. YET! :)

10) Go watch 1 or more concerts!!!!

Until next time! I hope you enjoy my blog and have an amazing weekend!!!
