Good Morning Gorgeous!!! :)

I want to wish you a sensational Saturday full of lots of happiness and adventures!!! =) I just wanted to remind you that even though people say mean things to you, there is no need to believe them. YOU are BEAUTIFUL and AMAZING!!!!!!!  I was bullied as a kid and even in my teens…. I believed them for a really long time and I felt bad about myself. But you know what nothing they ever said was true. Sure I was overweight but my self-worth was no less than anyone else’s. I am beautiful and amazing and many other wonderful things….. they made fun of me and teased me and did mean things to me. But anything they ever did wasn’t because there was something wrong with me it was because THEY were the ones with the problem NOT ME… THEY were the ones that had low self-esteem and thought that being mean to someone else and putting them down would make them feel better. But guess what I did, I said ENOUGH is enough and I stopped believing them… next time they said something mean to me I didn’t believe them and guess what happened? I took all their power away from them and eventually little by little it started disappearing…. In one of my counseling courses I learned something that has been with me ever since…. My professor said “NOBODY can make you happy, sad, angry, put you down, make you feel bad, step on you, or anything… UNLESS you give them permission to”.…. So live by those words from today on… Don’t give those bullies the power and permission to make you feel bad about yourself…. 

Perfectly Pink


  1. Hi Ana!
    I'm sorry you had to go through that! I fully concur with your professor. We are the owners of our feelings. Don't let others take them or change them. Life is what we make of as you continue on your journey, remember to always find the silver lining because life only gets better :)

    Have a great weekend!
    Andie's Traveling Pants

    1. Thank you for your super sweet comment!!! I definitely agree life does get better!!! It's all good though I learned so much from it and I am a better person because of it!!! Bullying is such an ugly thing!!!
