Serendipitous encounters

"Like the power of magnolia blossoms and unconditional love, and how the joy of knowing another human being far outweighs the void that is left when they are gone"
~ Elizabeth Vega-Fowler 

I stumbled upon this quote in one of my classes and I absolutely love it. I believe that everyone we meet has a tremendous impact in our lives whether we notice it or not. In my opinion this quote is not something to be sad about because meeting someone for just a day or maybe knowing them for an eternity is totally worth it! So with that I will say that I am grateful that I have met so many amazing people throughout my life, it doesn't matter whether they are still in my life or not they have totally made a footprint in my heart that will never be forgotten. How cheesy but it's true =). 

             I have no doubt that we should all challenge ourselves to tell our loved ones how much we care about them every single day !

Because life is too short!

Pictures from weheartit

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